Thursday, July 18, 2019

Outreach Video

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to share some of the videos and things I've been up to. I've been trying to type up blogs to explain what I was up to during outreach and I just can't seem to get it down on paper. I type it up and then delete it because it doesn't sound right and then re-type it again and delete it again and it is just cycle of getting nothing done so I've decided to try something different. My aunt Nancy had an amazing idea of doing 'missionary minute' videos where I share a short little video every couple of weeks about what I am up to and what I would appreciate prayer for.
Instead of trying to type everything out I am going to try using videos as a way to share my stories with you all so I can stay connected.

This is a video of my team's outreach so you can see places we stayed and some of the things we did.
Over outreach I went to Papua New Guinea for three weeks and Tanzania for five weeks.

Below is a video of the trip I went on with the Youth Group from Bethesda after I got back from outreach. We went to Kansas City and worked with many different local ministries there, including working with the homeless, children, and the elderly. 

I hope everyone enjoy's the videos and I look forward to sharing more about my trips 

Let me know if you have any specific questions you'd like answered or things you want to know from my trips! 

With Love, 

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